Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Sad Ignorance at the Museum of American History

So, as I mentioned yesterday, we went to the National Museum of American History a couple weekends ago.

The museum has the Woolworth's lunch counter where Ezell A. Blair, Jr. , Franklin E. McCain, Joseph A. McNeil, and David L. Richmond sat down in 1960.

Hopefully, most of us have heard of how these four African American students set off a protest that ultimately desegregated Woolworths. But I don't think most of us know any more than that.

Well this poor kid at the museum was (while in character from the era) trying to educate the museum crowd. He kept asking questions and getting no response. You just know he goes home every day and marvels at our collective ignorance.

On a happier note, the crowd watching his performance was about as diverse as any I've ever seen. They just didn't know much about how they got that way.

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