Monday, February 26, 2007

This is the Life

That’s Chris playing soccer with some kids at the local primary school. On Friday, we went and spoke to the kids about where we are from. Chris spoke about being a vet tech and I spoke a little about Santa Cruz and showed them pictures. There is another couple staying here at the house. Shai showed the kids a computer program he designed to teach people Aikido. Shuli talked to them about her work on Sesame Street (or Calle Sesamo as it’s known here).

Saturday night we all went to a restaurant up by the local spa and feasted on paella, fresh bread and REAL coffee. (All you get in most restaurants here is instant coffee, my only complaint about Chacala.) On the way to the restaurant, we noticed some people had piled beach rocks to make sculptures (like they do in SF and Santa Cruz). Of course, on the way back I stumbled on what was probably one of those sculptures and twisted my ankle. Luckily, Chris caught me before any major damage had been done. What a klutz.

Yesterday, we took a boat ride along the coast. It was gray and windy and the waves were bigger than they have been, which made for a couple slight stomach-droppers. Along the coast there is a ton of construction. A bunch of rich people from the U.S., Canada and Guadalajara are building vacation homes here (now that there is a real road). I’m told they just stay in their gated community and don’t want much to do with the locals. They just use up the rapidly decreasing water supply watering the lawns and filling the swimming pools in their mostly empty houses. What a waste.

Aside from that, we have just been hanging out by the pool, reading and relaxing. Tomorrow, we leave Chacala and head over to Guadalajara. I’ll post a new entry as soon as I can.

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