Friday, May 29, 2009

Adams Morgan Mural About DC Voting Rights

This mural in Adams Morgan says "If you lived here you'd be home now. But you still couldn't vote."

If you were not aware, DC does not have any voting representatives in congress, although it looks like that may change soon.

Unlike some places, Puerto Rico for example, that don't have voting rights, DC residents pay full federal taxes. Hence, our DC license plates say "taxation without representation."

Even worse, all our local governments decisions can be reversed by the congress, even though we have no representation.

1 comment:

  1. "... all our local government's decisions can be reversed by the congress, even though we have no representation."

    ...which is eerily reminiscent of the situation that existed in 1766, under the Declaratory Act of 1766, which eventually precipitated our American Revolution. Go figure...
