Sunday, December 7, 2008

Review of Teaism

Teaism is a local mini-chain of restaurants/tea shops. In their gargantuan menu of teas available for purchase, they refer to it as an "Asian style tea house."

Only a sampling of their teas are available to buy and drink on site, but they come in your own personal teapot, so all is forgiven.

The restaurant is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It has a somewhat limited, but decent menu. I find the breakfast french toast to be quite delicious.

Lunch and dinner options include sandwiches, bento boxes, soups, and kabobs. They have plenty of vegetarian options (tofu and tempeh galore) and some pretty tasty tea cookies and other sugary things.

The food is all a bit on the granola side - by which I mean that you will see lots of brown rice and grainy things in your bread. But they do the granola thing really well and even health food haters can find something to like here.

It's reasonably priced and reasonably healthy, which makes it a popular spot in town.

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