Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Review of Mitsitam Cafe

The Mitsitam is the museum restaurant at the National Museum of the American Indian. As museum restaurants go, the Mitsitam is outstanding. That is not to say that all of the food is great. The dishes are hit or miss.

The South America section usually has a few good items. I have had some excellent soup there before and some very decent tamales. The Plains section has passable buffalo burgers, but it is the honey-covered fry bread that is the real winner.

There is a Northwest section with salmon. There is a Mesoamerican section with burritos and tacos. There are an array of decidedly non-indigenous torts and cakes for dessert. There is also a wall of beverages that, last I went, included an amazingly delicious plantain drink.

The restaurant can get crowded and the popular stations can be a challenge to maneuver around as you carry your tray around. Still, its worth a trip even if you are not going to see the museum.

Mitsitam Cafe, National Museum of the American Indian, 4th St. and Independence Ave., S.W., Washington, DC

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