Sunday, January 6, 2008

Life in the Nation’s Capital

Chris and I have been in DC since July. And we are loving it. The only downside is that Chris is working nights and I am working days, so we aren’t seeing each other much. Although Chris may be happy that he has an excuse to get out of going to all the museums with me. There are so many and most of them are Free! How great is that?!

The picture is the outside of the Museum of the American Indian. The architects built it to look like one of the ancient cities in the Southwest, like Canyon de Chelly. I’ve already been there quite a few times. They always have something going on - from movie showings to marimba bands. They also have what has to be the best museum café in the world. The Mitsitam Café is broken up into different sections, each serving food from a different region of the Americas. I love the South America part, but I also usually hit the plains area for some fry bread.

I’ve never lived anywhere with real seasons before. I’m told that I’ll be over the cold real quick., but so far I’m still getting a kick out of it all. We didn’t have much of a fall, because it stayed unusually warm, but there were a few gorgeous days before all the leaves fell off the trees. I went down to see a Guatemalan photo exhibit at the Organization for American States museum and then wandered around the lake - gorgeous, as you can see.

It’s great being in a place where everything works, but I’m already starting to take it for granted. I hardly remember not having running water half the time or sharing a shabby, back-breaking twin bed with Chris in Guatemala. Truth be told, I think our trip might have made us enjoy the luxuries more than ever. We splurged on a really good bed and, for the first time in a long time, neither of us is waking up with backaches every morning. Ahhh. I also have a blowdryer again and so decided I could get a more high maintenance do. The bangs are covering some new and rather unsightly forehead wrinkles. (Getting old is the pits.)

Next blog - Basketball games, panda bears, politics and Snow!!!

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